Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010!

You came by so fast, I can hardly believe it's already been another decade.
So last night I spent New Year's Eve with my family at home. I don't know, but I think it has to do with some superstition my mom believes in. Oh well, I respect whatever she believes even though I don't necessarily believe it myself. We had Filipino food, fruit salad & yummy caramel apple walnut pie! Anyways, like everyone else I have come up with some New Year's Resolutions.

1. LOSE WEIGHT! - Yes, unfortunately I'm not a size 2, don't want to be, but I know i have some excess weight to lose.
2. Eat Healthier & Exercise more. - I'm probably going to do more marathons.
3. DRAW & PAINT MORE! - I'm going into my 4th semester of college & I'm finally getting around to my art classes.
4. Learn how to sew. - I have this adorable little Hello Kitty sewing machine that's getting lonely.
5. Scrapbook more. - I have a collection of adorable things that have piled up over the last couple years.
6. TAKE MORE PICTURES! - I've got 3 wonderful cameras that need to be used more often.
7. Get more tattoos. - I've decided that one day I want to be heavily tattooed, so I will start now, but take it slow.
8. No more procrastinating! - This is one of my most terrible habits.
9. Write at least once a month to my darling little Wilky. - My sponsored child from Haiti.
10. Keep my blog consistent!

Many, many goals, I know. I feel like I haven't gotten much done with my life for the past few years. Though I'm still relatively young, I want to do something beneficial for myself.

Happy New Year, my darlings!
Here are some happy images to leave you with.

(Photo Credits: 1)

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