Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Work, Work, Work.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy at work & busy catching up on some much need rest since I've had this annoying cold for the past few days. I've also been working everyday. My current job now is one of the main reasons why I'm going to school. 9-5 jobs are just not for me! I hate it, it's so boring, but I can't complain since I have a job at least.

Last Monday, my co-worker convinced me to join Weight Watchers. It's my second day & I've got to say that I LOVE IT! I can eat what I want as long as it's in the right proportion & they've got so many tools available to help you out. I've also made the commitment to make more home cooked meals so that I'll be able to track what I eat better. I'll try to post different recipes up when I can!

Unfortunately, I'm one of those people who are always in a constant battle with their bedroom & closet. I'm always cleaning it because it always ends up looking like a hurricane hit it... literally. It's so bad, I'm too embarrassed to even show a picture of it. So my latest project is reorganizing my closet.

(Photo Credits: 1 & 2)

Lovely pictures! Oh & did I ever mention that I absolutely LOVE Barbie? That chandelier is amazing!

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