Sunday, September 5, 2010

Friday Feature: Tattoo Artist Saira Hunjan.

Another Friday Feature & yet another tattoo artist I can only dream of being tattooed by. What is it about female British tattoo artists that allures me so much to their beautiful artwork?! Saira Hunjan's artwork is, simple, pretty & traditional. The colors she uses are also amazing! I discovered her in this little tattoo book I picked up at Barnes & Noble.

There's something that's different about the work of a female tattoo artist. I think it's how a lot of these ladies pay attention to pretty detail like in the clothing or scarves of the tattoo. Or maybe it's the whimsical subjects they choose to tattoo. Hmm.. I'm seriously thinking about saving my pennies for a tattoo when I'm in London next summer..

(*Sorry for the late post.. I was working on it the other day & then my internet started flipping out.)

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